Lumpia are Filipino fried spring rolls filled with ground pork and mixed vegetables. This lumpia recipe is authentic and yields the crispiest lumpia ever....
This dish is one of my favorites to eat. It's a comfort food for me, and I love it. This is my own personal way of making this. It's pretty easy to make...
This dish is one of my favorites to eat. It's a comfort food for me, and I love it. This is my own personal way of making this. It's pretty easy to make...
This recipe is adapted from a famous Filipino restaurant in Manila, Philippines. The longer you marinate in the refrigerator, the better it gets! This...
This is a Filipino dessert that's very easy to make using broas or ladyfingers as the cake sponge. This recipe is healthier than regular crema de fruta...
Pancit Bihon (Filipino Fried Rice Noodles) is a classic Filipino noodle dish that is easy to make with simple ingredients. An easy and authentic pancit...
My favorite meal in the Philippines is Salpicao. I recently came up with this interpretation of the recipe, which immediately became the family favorite....
This simplified banana filling is a favorite Filipino treat. It is also known as turon, using burro bananas cut lengthwise (instead of my sliced version),...
This is a traditional Filipino fish stew, made with coconut milk and veggies. Serve this with white rice and you'll feel like you're experiencing your...
This recipe is adapted from a famous Filipino restaurant in Manila, Philippines. The longer you marinate in the refrigerator, the better it gets! This...
This is considered the Philippine national dish. The combination of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, ginger and peppercorns is delicious and actually preserves...
My favorite meal in the Philippines is Salpicao. I recently came up with this interpretation of the recipe, which immediately became the family favorite....
In the Philippines, adobo is both a beloved cooking technique and a tangy marinated and braised meat dish. It'sakin to the French coq au vin, but with...
My favorite meal in the Philippines is Salpicao. I recently came up with this interpretation of the recipe, which immediately became the family favorite....
While not a traditional Filipino dish, my grandmother added the necessary proportions of canned pink salmon, tomatoes, onion, and loads of garlic to make...
While not a traditional Filipino dish, my grandmother added the necessary proportions of canned pink salmon, tomatoes, onion, and loads of garlic to make...
This dish is one of my favorites to eat. It's a comfort food for me, and I love it. This is my own personal way of making this. It's pretty easy to make...